What you should know about interest rates [Richmond Refreshers]


Learn more about the downstream effect on your portfolio and wealth from our Associate Financial Advisor, Steve Kulchinski, MBA.

No time to watch? You can read the “closed captions” here.


  1. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/business-school/ib-knowledge/finance/how-central-banks-interest-rate-rises-affect-the-richest-and-poorest-families/
  2. https://www.zillow.com/learn/interest-rate-impact-mortgages/
  3. https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/2023/may/examining-long-variable-lags-monetary-policy
    *Example of interest rate savings pulled from Zillow, and is for illustrative purposes only. Exact numbers could vary based off of amortization schedules and rounding used in the calculation of monthly payments.

Content prepared by Snappy Kraken. 

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