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Medicare 101 Recap

Earlier this month, Clay Carroll, volunteer extraordinaire at the Jackson County Department on Aging, provided our community with some invaluable resources to help navigate the puzzle of Medicare. This presentation was especially helpful to those that are new to Medicare or just need to brush up on some of the details. Did you know?? The…


Matt’s Minutes: Disconnected? [November 2023]

Matt Curfman, CFP®, CEO & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers, covers the current market and environment and why they feel disconnected. Learn more in this month’s Matt’s Minutes clip! Or check out the Closed Captions here! Sources: Research Reports YCharts The commentary in this video reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of Richmond Brothers employees,…


Hidden Value in Uncertainty [Richmond Refreshers]

We all hate the feeling of uncertainty. As humans, we’re hard-wired to prefer certainty and predictability. Uncertainty is a part of life, but there is power hiding inside uncertainty. Last year, our Senior Financial Advisor, Dan Vredeveld, made a short video explaining what you can do to find the silver lining. We’d love to hear:…


Matt’s Minutes: More debt ceiling talks? [October 2023]

Matt Curfman, CFP®, CEO & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers, covers the environment in the third quarter and the broad market performance. What does Richmond Brothers feel is ahead? Find out in this month’s Matt’s Minutes clip! Or check out the Closed Captions here! Sources: Research Reports YCharts Bank of America raises year-end S&P 500 price…


Matt’s Minutes: 4th Quarter Optimism? [September 2023]

Matt Curfman, CFP®, CEO & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers, covers the month of August in the markets and why there may be some optimism as we look out to the last quarter of the year. Or check out the Closed Captions here! Sources: Research Reports YCharts The commentary in this video reflects the personal…


IRS Delays Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Rule Until 2026 [Richmond Refreshers]

The IRS announced they are giving employer plans two additional years to comply with the controversial rule requiring that “catch-up contributions” for certain high-paid employees be made on a Roth basis. Learn more from our Senior Financial Advisor, Dan Vredeveld. This video is designed to provide general information on the subjects covered. It is not,…


Matt’s Minutes: July Happenings & U.S. Credit Rating? [August 2023]

Matt Curfman, CFP®, CEO & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers, sums up July market events and discusses the recent downgrade for the U.S. credit rating. Or check out the Closed Captions here! Sources: Research Reports The commentary in this video reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of Richmond Brothers employees, and should not be…


Power of Gratitude [Richmond Refreshers]

While we can’t control what happens in the world, we do certainly have control over how we respond. Here’s a great reminder about the power of gratitude from our CEO & Co-Owner, Matt Curfman. The commentary in this video reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of Richmond Brothers employees, and should not be regarded…


Matt’s Minutes: Context of current environment? [July 2023]

Matt Curfman, CFP®, CEO & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers, discusses the recent environment and the top things we are watching for our family of clients. Do you remember what happened just 90 days ago? Or check out the Closed Captions here! Richmond Brothers Client? Email us to sign up for Smoother Ride Social Recording Not…


Matt’s Minutes: Crisis Averted? [June 2023]

Matt Curfman, CFP®, CEO & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers discusses the debt deal recently signed by our President and what’s next. Or check out the Closed Captions here! Richmond Brothers Client? Register here for the Smoother Ride Social Not a client but interested in learning more? Check to see if you qualify for Smoother Ride…


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