Intentions for a New Year [Richmond Refreshers]
How are those New Year resolutions going? If they aren’t sticking, or even if they are, this is a great informative clip with our Senior Financial Advisor, Dan Vredeveld, to…
Read MoreBonds: historical losses were reached in 2022, so what’s the outlook for 2023? (From the desk of David Richmond, Chairman & Co-Owner)
Did you think that bonds were a relatively fool-proof investment – one that you just put in your portfolio for a conservative option because you knew even if it lost,…
Read More7 Things to Know Now About the Secure Act 2.0
Matthew Curfman, CFP, President & Co-Owner of Richmond Brothers, covers 7 points that caught our interest since Congress passed some new legislation as of December 23, 2022. 0:25 What Secure…
Read MoreTax Loss Harvesting [Richmond Refreshers]
With the volatility of 2022, there are actually some opportunities you may be able to “collect” on. Do you own taxable accounts (or non-retirement investment accounts) that have lost value?…
Read MoreHow much do you really know about inflation?
Pop quiz. Are these statements true or false? Any time food or gas prices go up, we’re seeing inflation at work. Inflation is always bad for the economy. The consumer…
Read MoreRoth Conversions – Does it “cost” you an opportunity?
Have you heard about the opportunity cost argument against Roth conversions? Some believe there is a lost opportunity cost by doing a Roth conversion because they argue that the funds…
Read MoreTime Matters, Not Timing (From the desk of David Richmond)
I saw this graph from Brian Feroldi that I thought was worth sharing: One doesn’t know on a particular day or week if the market is going up. And while…
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